
Year 4 Homework
Homework this year will mainly focus on the key areas of:

Basic Facts: - instant recall and accuracy in the four operations addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. 

Mathletics: - This is a maths programme that we use in class.  I will set specific tasks relating to what we are learning in class.  This will help your child to consolidate their mathematical learning at home.

Spelling Words: - Your child will be tested on the essential words.  A copy of their test will come home, so you can see their hot spots (what they need to work on).  Work with your child to select words that they can focus on, and work on over the week.  You are most welcome to test your child on these focus words each week.  THEY will not be tested at school until the end of the term.  We will be focusing on Smartwords in the classroom, so the essential words are a bonus.

Reading: - We encourage children to choose a book themselves from either the school Library, your local Library, or from their class reading box.  

We encourage reading to be WITH your child, TO your child and BY your child.  TALK about the book.  Ask your child to retell the story or main points in sequence.  Reading fluency and decoding is important, BUT understanding and comprehension is PARAMOUNT.

Homework grid: - You will find a homework grid below.  This grid will remain the same each week.  This grid will also have other activities on it such as cultural activities (music, art, sport, drama) acts of services, a family activity and a Parents choice activity.  Parent Choice is where you get to use your imagination!

Ways you can help your child with homework:
Set a time to do homework - not straight after school, have a rest and a snack first.
Be positive and supportive towards the homework tasks.
Show an interest and ask questions,  get involved and help to encourage your child to be independent and self-motivated.

You are most welcome to print the homework grid out or just use the digital form as a check list.


Reminder: if your child has not yet finished their memory cube.  They are also due and the children who have finished them are in the process of presenting them to the class.

Practice and Track your Basic Facts


  1. thanks. Miss ramaka

  2. awesome thank you Miss Rameka

  3. I Did My homework!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. thank you so so so so so so so so so so so so much miss Rameka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I was just asking if you would be able to get the typing password so I can do typing practice next week.Thanks
